You need to think about whether creating a mobile app will benefit others and not just create one to say that you have done one. If you are going to create an app then you will have to do some market research into what your potential customer will need and how they will use it.
Once you have done the market research then you will have to ensure that you add value to whatever app you create. If you design a app that is not adding value then no one will want to download it or use it.
The power to develop an app is only limited by the imagination of the creator so when you start to develop it make sure that many people will get use from the app.
It is now possible to create an app without having to learn all the complicated coding that can go with it making it a lot more accessible to every day users.
Its actually quite easy to market an app with all the advances in technology making it possible for many people to be able to see it. There a few basic strategies that should be followed to guaratee maximum success.